Read Our Story & Meet the Founder
Read Our Story & Meet the Founder
On my first day of Bible School (Sept. 2011) I met, Angie (not her real name), a friendly and vivacious 18 year old girl. We immediately connected and became friends. When I returned from my mission trip in February, I saw Angie one day hunched over crying. Angie told me her boyfriend had broken up with her. I knew in my spirit that Angie had lost her virginity. My heart was broken that Angie had lost her virginity and that she was now vulnerable and at a crossroads of giving up her hopes, her dreams, and her values.
Angie and I started meeting together for coffee, and as we talked, it became obvious that she did not have the skills or a support system in place to successfully walk the walk of purity. As we met, I soon noticed that Angie’s heart had hardened. She no longer seemed interested in talking about God’s love or His plan for her life. I could see Angie’s life spinning out of control and I needed to sit back, watch, and love her from a distance.
This was painful because I had given up my virginity when I was 27 years old and for 16 years I was lost in the world where no one could tell that I was a Christian. During the next months I started reading and I learned that it is the father who gives his daughter her self worth and value.
This made complete sense. Angie’s parents had divorced when she was a little girl and my dad had died when I was 7 years old.
I started interviewing women who were successfully walking the walk of purity. It wasn’t until the summer that I got a clear understanding of the major differences between Angie and those I interviewed. The women I interviewed knew two things that Angie did not know. First, they knew that God loved them. It wasn’t just head knowledge or heart knowledge. It went deep into their souls and was rooted into their identity. Second, they knew with absolute certainty that God had a good plan for their lives and that it was above and beyond their hopes, dreams, and imagination. They were excited about God’s plan for their lives and they were not going to settle for a counterfeit.
God spoke into my heart one Sunday, as I listened to the sermon, that I was going to be starting an event ministry for women about purity, but not just about purity. It was about God’s love, God’s good plan for their life, and that God sees His daughters as holy, righteous, and pure.
Hi! My name is Rheta. I am the founder of DAUGHTERS OF THE KING. I asked Jesus to come into my life when I was 8 years old at Summer Bible Camp. I was filled with the love of Jesus only to return to my home church and learn Sunday after Sunday that if I was good, I was going to Heaven, and if I was bad, I was going to Hell.
Fifty years later when I was recovering from brain surgery a friend asked me, “What do you want God to do for you?” I immediately said, “I want to know that God loves me.” Wow! How could that have eluded me? I faithfully read my Bible, went to church, prayer groups, and Bible studies.
That next week I started to listen to Andrew Wommack teach on how God loves me and God spoke my name while I was in my mother’s womb. I also started meditating hours a day on scriptures about God’s love for Rheta.
As I was mediating on God’s love, the Holy Spirit stirred something up inside of me and I suddenly knew, that I knew, that I knew that God loves Rheta and that God has a good plan for Rheta’s life and that God sees Rheta as holy, righteous, and pure.
My life has never been the same. I was radically, forever changed!
There is a fire within me and I want you to know with all my heart that God loves YOU and God has a good plan for your life and that (in Christ) God sees you as holy, righteous, and pure. Once you get a hold of God’s love YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!
P.S. If you want to know with absolute certainty that God loves you, come hang out with us, subscribe to our newsletter, and come to the next DAUGHTERS OF THE KING Weekend Event!